Download ImageReel 15-Day Trial
ImageReel 1.3.2 (1.2 MB Disk Image - 8/13/2005)
Requires Mac OS X 10.3 or higher.
This download is fully functional for 15-days. After that time, to continue using ImageReel, you must register your copy.
How to install
- Download the disk image file from above.
- Double-click the file that you downloaded - it should mount the ImageReel disk image to your desktop.
- Drag the ImageReel icon to your Applications folder on your hard drive.
- Unmount the ImageReel disk image by dragging its icon to the trash can.
- Enjoy ImageReel!
Version History
- 1.3.2 (8/13/05)
- Minor tweaks.
- 1.3.1 (6/3/05)
- Max aperture value was not displaying properly.
- 1.3 (5/24/05)
- Fixed a problem related to full screen mode and certain user accounts where entering full screen mode could lock up the computer.
- Corrects for an error message similar to the following in the Console log: "ImageReel[543] *** -[FullScreenWindow needsPanelToBecomeKey]: selector not recognized".
- Fixed a problem that could occur with some image meta data that would cause the batch rename window to not display properly.
- 1.2 (5/22/05)
- Translucent full screen controls.
- Ability to set image as Desktop picture.
- Shows image dimensions in status area.
- Adjusted keyboard shortcuts and titles of some menu items.
- 1.1.1 (5/8/05)
- Tiger stability issues resolved.
- Fixed a bug where the window title bar may move under the menu bar in full screen mode.
- Added the option to turn on/off image smoothing for scaled images.
- Improved full screen viewing and now displays fullscreen on the same display that the window is on.
- 1.1 (4/21/05)
- Added improvements to the purchase process.
- 1.0.1 (4/17/05)
- Fixed minor scroll bar bug.
- 1.0 (4/16/05)
- Initial release.